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(161/185) 359 - SshConsole: expand variables like System console

Would like variables which are supported in the System console to also work in SshConsole.
Specifically ${d} ${f} ${p} and ${n} would be useful.

For ${d} ${f} if the current buffer is an SFTP remote file, the path should be stripped of the prefix e.g.

This might also be useful for ${p} I'm not sure as I don't use ProjectViewer.

For the sake of paranoia/compatibility, I would also be fine to use a different variable name for the "stripped" version of these variables.

jEdit 5.3.0 (stable)
Enabled plugins: FTP 1.3, Common Controls 1.7.4, Console 5.1.4, ErrorList 2.3, SshConsole 1.0.7
Windows 7 x86_64
Oracle JRE 1.8.0_66 (x86_64) + JCE unlimited strength policies

Submitted bgolding - 2016-01-18 11:02:33.672000 Assigned
Priority 9 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None
